Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mission Trips Photos from Adventures in Missions

Praying over people within the church
Woman and Children Eating Food that AIM served them
Children enjoying the team
AIM missions leader and kids connect through VBS!
Face-painting is a big thing through VBS
AIM missions team built a house for this Mexican Family in need

Photos from Matamoras, Mexico

For more information about mission trips for college students go to our older post on missions trips that are coming up!

Adventure in Missions Partners

Children's HopeChest, an orphan agency (

Red Letters Campaign, an organization dedicated to mobilizing Christians to help end poverty (

Missions Resources - an online Christian bookstore that focuses on missions-related books (

Wrecked for the Ordinary, online Christian magazine full of stories from the mission field (

Christian Signal, Christian RSS Feeds and portal site (

ROOV, Christian online social networking site to move people towards action (

ZoeCarnate, which offers links to often-overlooked Christian websites (

Focus on the Family, a Christian ministry founded by James Dobson (

Right Now Campaign, a missions mobilizer organization (

The Traveling Team, missions mobilization group that travels around the U.S. to speak at churches (

AIM Missions Bases


Some AIM Missions bases are: China, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Gainesville, Georgia, Kenya, Matamoros, Mexico, Peru, Swaziland.

The Chinese Missions Bases geography of this region is almost as diverse as the people. Within a few hours in any direction, you will find Alpine (15,000+ ft.), Forests, Deserts, Farmland, and Steppe landscapes, as well as a large reservoir (Lotus Flower Lake) and the world-famous Yellow River.

To Learn more about Chinese Mission Bases go to our website here!

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities with AIM (Adventures in Missions)

AIM's objective is to help raise up a generation of radically committed disciples. If you share our heart for reaching the lost and loving the least and left-out of the world, this may be the perfect place for you to serve. AIM is a fast-growing, innovative organization with exciting opportunities to make an impact. It is a challenging work environment that rewards resourceful people who take the initiative. It is a fun, grace-filled environment where you will not only help others in their discipleship journey but have opportunities to grow as a disciple yourself. We are committed to not only serving our missionaries in the field but also to investing in our staff and developing their spiritual gifts. If you're tired of the "rat race" and looking to do work that has eternal meaning, then please consider applying for one of our open positions.

Customer Service Representative is a full time position that is avaliable.

Meet the People of Adventures in Missions

 The President of Adventure in Missions name is Seth and Two years later, in 1989, God planted a new seed in his heart: Seth obeyed and launched what is now AIM. Within a year, he was leading hundreds of people overseas on short-term mission trips. Today, that number has grown to thousands. AIM has taken over 80,000 people into the mission field and now has full-time ministry bases all over the world. Seth currently lives with Karen and two of their five children in Gainesville, Georgia.
For more information on the other people that made Adventure in Missions.  Here is the link!

Haiti Updates

Haiti Earthquake Recovery Adventure in Missions

Go On a Mission Trip to Haiti with AIM from Adventures In Missions on Vimeo.

Here is a missions trip video for Haiti!

To donate to Help for Haiti go to our old post right here!

Statement of Faith


We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is authoritative and infallible in the original writings.

We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.      

We believe that faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is essential for the salvation of lost and sinful man.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

We believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life.

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Jesus Christ 

If you want to learn more about us-- here is the link !


"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21  

If you would like to donate to this missions organization Help Haiti is a way you can do so!  If you want more information about this here.  There are more than 10 missions organizations that you can donate to.

Mission Trips for College Aged Students college students you can go on short term missions trips over the semesters for 1-3 months! Here is the LINK to finding out more about that! In the Spring and the Summer is when you can participate in these mission trips.

World Race Applications

This video explains alittle bit about the World Race which goes to 11 countries in 11 months. God works and if you want to apply for our August 2011 Trip Applications are open!

Our January 2011 Route 1 trip is filled up but our January Route 2 trip is still available to apply to! The application must be in by October 15.

The Application for our July 2011 Trip is due April 15, 2011!

Sign up today to see what God can do in Your life!